§ 224-7. Designation of historic properties.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Properties that are designated historic properties are to be described by recording in land records of the Town of Hebron that gives a description of the property and the fact that it has been declared an historic property pursuant to the provisions of General Statutes §§ 7-147p through 7-147y and the provisions of this chapter.
    The property owned by the Hebron Historical Society known as "Burrows Hill School" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut located on the southerly side of School House Road and the easterly side of Burrows Hill Road, more particularly described as follows: beginning at the intersection of School House Road and Burrows Hill Road; thence running S 61° 40' 31" E along School House Road a distance of 150.00 feet to a point; thence running S 13° 44' 57" W along land now or formerly of Clifford R. Wright a distance of 130.00 feet to a point; thence running N 61° 40' 31" along land now or formerly of Clifford R. Wright a distance of 150.00 feet to a point in the easterly line of Burrows Hill Road, thence running N 13° 44' 57" E along the easterly line of Burrows Hill a distance of 130.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.
    Said premises are bounded:
    By School House Road, 150.00 feet;
    By land now or formerly of Clifford R. Wright, 130.00 feet;
    By land now or formerly of Clifford R. Wright, 150.00 feet; and
    By Burrows Hill Road, 130.00 feet.
    The property owned by the Hebron Historical Society known as the "Old Town Hall" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land, with all buildings and improvements thereon, situated on the southerly side of Connecticut State Highway, Route No. 66, in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, being bounded as follows:
    By said Connecticut State Highway, Route No. 66;
    By Old Hebron Road, so-called;
    By said Old Hebron Road, so-called; and
    By an unnamed road.
    These premises presently contain a building known as the "Old Hebron Town Hall."
    The property owned by the Town of Hebron known as the "Town Records Building" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land, situated on the westerly side of Connecticut Route 85 Gilead Street in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, and shown and designated as "N/F Donald W. Robinson" on a certain map or plan titled "Land of Helen Horton To Be Conveyed To The Town of Hebron Gilead Street Conn Route 85 Hebron, Conn Scale 1" = 20' August 21, 1984 David S. Marnicki Hebron, Conn Conn LS 10837," which map or plan is on file in the Town Clerk's office in said Town of Hebron, to which reference may be made.
    Said premises are more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    Commencing at a point marked by a CHD monument set at the intersection of the westerly line of Connecticut Route 85 and the northerly side of Marjorie Circle in said Town of Hebron, which CHD monument has State Plane Coordinates of N 300,813.57 and E 704,601.89, and which point marks the southeasterly corner of the herein described premises; thence proceeding S 80° 01' 55" W along the said northerly line of Marjorie Circle a distance of 54.76 feet to a point, which point marks the southeasterly corner of property now or formerly of Helen F. Horton and the southwesterly corner of the herein described premises; thence proceeding N 13° 25' 05" W along property now or formerly of Helen F. Horton a distance of 128.65 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence continuing N 13° 25' 05" W along said land of Horton a distance of 37.93 feet to a point; thence proceeding S 31° 15' 15" E along the said westerly line of Connecticut Route 85 a distance of 178.45 feet to the point or place of beginning.
    The property owned by the Town of Hebron known as the "Horton House" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto situated in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, being known and designated as 8 Marjorie Circle and shown on a certain map or plan titled: "Property Map Land Now or Formerly of McCorrison — D.W. Fish Realty, Inc. 8 Marjorie Circle Hebron Connecticut Date: 1-8-88 Scale: 1" = 40' Job No. 55254.00 Sheet No. 1/1 File No. HB 24," which map was prepared by DeCarlo & Doll, Inc., 10 Main Street, Hebron, Connecticut and which map is on file or to be filed in the office of the Hebron Town Clerk to which reference may be had. Said parcel is more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    Beginning at a point marked by an iron pin in the westerly street line of Route 85, said point being the northeasterly corner of subject parcel and the southeasterly corner of land shown on said map as "N/F the Town of Hebron"; thence proceeding along the westerly street line of Route 85 S 31° 15' 15" E, a distance of 61.98 feet to a point; thence proceeding along land shown on said map as "N/F Town of Hebron" S 13° 25' 05" E a distance of 37.93 feet to a point, which point is marked by an iron pin; thence continuing S 13° 25' 05" E, a distance of 78.65 feet; thence proceeding S 80° 01" 55" W, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence proceeding S 13° 25' 05" E, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin, said point being the southeasterly corner of subject parcel; thence proceeding S 80° 01' 55" W, a distance of 131.76 feet to a point marked by a CHD, which point marks the southwesterly corner of subject parcel (the preceding five courses being along said Town of Hebron land); thence proceeding along the easterly street line of Marjorie Circle N 59° 11' 03" W, a distance of 220.72 feet to a point, which point marks the northwesterly corner of subject parcel and the southwesterly corner of land shown on said map as "N/F Leonard & Pauline Porter"; thence proceeding N 50° 09' 11" E, a distance of 58.37 feet to a point; thence proceeding N 44° 41' 33" E, a distance of 64.10 feet to a point marked by an iron pin (the last two courses being along said Porter land); thence proceeding N 75° 58' 50" E, a distance of 193.94 feet along said Town of Hebron land to the point or place of beginning.
    Said parcel contains 51.756 square feet or 1.188 acres.
    The property owned by the American Legion Jones Keefe Batson Post 95 known as the "American Legion Building" and formerly known as the "Hebron District 1 or Center School" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land situated in said Town of Hebron known as the First District School Property with the buildings thereon standing, being bounded on the North by the Highway line seventy-one (71) feet, more or less; on the East by land of the Hebron Library Association seventy-three (73) feet, more or less; on the South by land of the Hebron Library Association and by land of the First Congregational Church, in part by each, a distance of seventy-one (71) feet, more or less; and on the West by the land now or formerly of one Eisemann — a distance of seventy-three (73) feet, more or less.
    The property owned by Alan H. Hills and Denise A. Hills and known as the "Gilead Hill School" and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain piece or parcel of land known as "The Gilead Hill School" property with all the buildings thereon standing, except the outhouse south of the school house. Said land is bounded Easterly by the Highway, and Northerly, Southerly and Westerly by land of Clifford R. Perry. Said land is three rods and eleven links wide front to rear, and two rods eight links deep.
    Being the same premises as described as "Third Tract" in a Certificate of Devise, Estate of Homer W. Hills, dated April 23, 1963, recorded in Vol. 55, Page 393 of the Hebron Land Records.
    The structure known as the "Gull School" owned by the Town of Hebron now located upon the site described in Subsection E of this section above is hereby designated an historic property.
    The property owned by Craig F. and Jean E. Cyr, 192 Hope Valley Road, Amston, CT, and as described below is hereby designated an historic property.
    A certain parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the northerly side of Hope Valley Road, formerly known as the Highway from Hebron to Hopevale, in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    Northerly, easterly and westerly by land formerly of Austin Cowles, being land now or formerly of Leroy A. Benzinger and southerly by said Highway. Said premises contain 2 acres, more or less. (As described in V. 83 P. 2; Warranty Deed 8/1/1974, Jules M. and Marian A. Rebillard to Craig F. and Jean E Cyr.)
    The property owned by Keith G. and Jennifer M. Albert, 233 Millstream Road, Amston, CT, and as described below, is hereby designated an historic property.
    Beginning at a point in the easterly street line of Millstream Road, which point marks the northwesterly corner of subject parcel and a southwesterly corner of land shown on said map as "Area 'C' N/F Millstream Limited Partnership"; thence proceeding along said Millstream land N 64° 46' 32" E a distance of 327.21 feet to a point, which point marks the northeasterly corner of subject parcel; thence continuing along said Millstream land, S 24° 18' 40" E a distance of 260.99 feet to a point, which point marks the southeasterly corner of subject parcel; thence continuing along said Millstream S 65° 52' 32" W a distance of 326.48 feet to a point, which point marks the southwesterly corner of subject parcel; thence proceeding along said Millstream Road, N 24° 07' 28" W a distance of 175.66 feet to a point; thence continuing along said Millstream Road, N 25° 14' 28" W a distance of 79.06 feet to the point or place of beginning. Said parcel contains 84,138 square feet or 1.93 acres.
    That portion of the property owned by the Town of Hebron, 150 East Street, Hebron, Connecticut, on which the "Peters House" is situated and as described below, is hereby designated an historic property:
    [Added 2-19-2009]
    To the west of the subject property by East Street;
    To the north of the subject property by approximately 100 feet from the northernmost wall of the residence;
    To the east of the subject property by approximately 100 feet from the easternmost wall of the residence;
    To the south of the subject property by the existing access road to the total parcel.
    The property restored by Douglas and Mary (Hooker) Porter, and owned by Janice (Porter) Tarbell, 44 Porter Road, Hebron (Gilead), Connecticut, and as described below, is hereby designated an historic property.
    [Added 11-4-2010]
    A certain parcel of land beginning at an iron pipe set in the southerly line of Martin Road so-called and at the northerly end of a stone wall, the northwestern corner of the herein described premises; said point also being the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Porter Farm, Inc.; thence S 81° 36' 00" E 244.26 feet to an iron pipe set in the westerly line of Gilead Street, the last two courses bounding easterly and northerly on other land now or formerly of the Estate of Clifford Rollo Perry; thence S 1° 38' 10" W 197.30 feet to a stone fencepost; thence S 0° 23' 25" W 63.13 feet to an iron pipe set at a stone wall to an iron pipe set at the end of the wall; thence N 81° 34' 00" W 234.36 feet along a wire fence to an iron pipe set in the line of a stone wall; thence N 15° 01' 05" E 279.53 feet to a drill hole in a rock at an angle in the wall; thence N 9° 33' 40" E 218.68 feet along a stone wall to an iron pipe the place of beginning the last four course bounding southerly and westerly on land belonging to Porter Farm, Inc." (As described in V. 432, P. 443, Warranty Deed of 17th January 2008, from Douglas & Mary H. Porter to Janice Tarbell)
    The property owned by Susan P. Kirk, 780 Gilead Street, Hebron, Connecticut, and as described below, is hereby designated an historic property.
    [Added 11-4-2010]
    All that tract or parcel of land with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto situated in the Town of Hebron, County of Tolland and State of Connecticut and described as follows in a deed of the same from John E. Ellis and C. Daniel Way dated November 17, 1906 and recorded in the Hebron Land Records on May 10, 1907 in Volume 27, Page 208.
    One certain tract of land lying in the Town of Hebron (Gilead Society) bounded and described as follows, viz: beginning at a stone post set in the North East corner of said tract of land near the highway, thence running South to another stone post set in the South East corner of said tract of land by which it is bounded on the East by land of John E. Ellis, and on the South by land of John E. Ellis and the line running from said stone post at the South East corner West to the Highway and on the West by Highway and on the North by Highway containing one half acre more or less.
    The said premises are also described in a Certificate of Devise in re Estate of G. (sic) Daniel Way dated January 20, 1969 and recorded in the Hebron Land Records on January 21, 1969 in Volume 65, Page 174, as follows:
    Tract 4 Containing .4 acres more or less (with the buildings thereon); bounded northerly by Hardy Road; easterly by land now or formerly of Kenneth Ellis; southerly by land now or formerly of Kenneth Ellis; easterly by Connecticut Route 85; and northwesterly by Hardy Road.
    The property owned by Richard and Christine Intravia, 80 Hardy Road, Hebron (Gilead), Connecticut, as described below, is hereby designated an historic property.
    [Added 11-4-2010]
    Parcel B: Commencing at a point in the easterly road line of Hardy road, point marks northwesterly corner of land of Kenneth W. Ellis; thence N 0 degrees 36' 20" E, a distance of 85.43 feet along Hardy Road to a point; then in arc of curve in which R = 500 feet Delta = 13 degrees 49' 00" T = 60.58 feet a distance of 120.57 feet along a portion of the easterly road line of Hardy Road to a point; then N 13 degrees 12' 40" W, distance of 94 feet along Hardy Road to a point, which is northwesterly corner of the premises; then due East 340 feet along Parcel A as shown on map; then Due South 680.99 feet along Parcel A to point in northerly line of Ellis land, then N 73 degrees 19' 16" W, for 170.83 feet along portion of northerly line which marks southeasterly corner of said Ellis land and southwesterly corner of herein described premises, then proceeding N 0 degrees 36' 20" E, for 300 feet along westerly line of land of said Ellis; then N 76 degrees 19' 00" for 150 feet along northerly line of said Ellis land to point of beginning. (As described in V. 379, P. 501, Warranty Deed of 8th October 2004, from Scott Dolan to Richard & Christine Intravia).
    World War II Civilian Aircraft Observation Post, located on Town of Hebron property at 15 Gilead Street, Hebron.
    [Added 4-3-2013]