§ 224-4. Commission duties.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Relationship to other commissions. The Commission and other Town commissions and offices whose areas of concern may overlap or affect each other shall maintain liaison for information and coordination in matter with which the Commission may be dealing.
    Annual report. The Commission shall make an annual report of its activities to the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Hebron and the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism.
    Cooperation and coordination. The Commission may:
    Provide information to the property owners and others involving the preservation of the property;
    Initiate planning and zoning proposals;
    Cooperate with other regulatory agencies and civic organizations and groups interested in historic preservation;
    Comment on applications for zoning variances and special exceptions where they affect an historic property;
    Render advice on sidewalk construction and repair, tree planting, street improvements and the erection or alteration of public buildings not otherwise under its control where they affect the historic property; and
    Furnish information and assistance in connection with any capital improvement program involving the historic property.