§ 158-5. Raffles.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Raffle permits are issued to qualifying non-profit organizations wishing to run a raffle in the Town of Hebron. There are various classes of raffle permits which are based on factors such as length of time tickets will be sold and the aggregate value of prizes to be awarded. The application fees differ for each raffle permit type. Examples of raffles are cash prizes, duck race, cow chip, frog race, golf ball drop, etc. If total prizes exceed $7,500 the Town shall investigate the qualifications of the organization and verify the facts on the application.
    After each raffle has been permitted and completed, a verified statement to include gross receipts, expenses, net profit and prizes awarded is to be filed with the Town Manager's Office by the organization at the end of the next succeeding month. There is no payment to the Town in conjunction with the verified statement.